Apply to internships, 20x faster.

Download the Sunlight Autofiller by to instantly fill out internship applications with a single click and get to 100 applied in a single day.


Join 1,200+ students using Sunlight to get jobs at the world's most innovative companies


Apply faster

Sunlight Autofiller works on 100,000+ application portals

One time application.
Fill in your basic information and experience once, use Sunlight to complete hundereds of applications.
All private information is secured so you can job search with peace of mind.

Stay Organized

All your applications, automatically organized

Automatically populated.
Any jobs you apply to using Sunlight Autofill will automatically appear in your application tracker.
Simplify the process.
Move your applications as you progress to always stay on top of paths to success.
Share your journey.
Easily share your stats to show friends, family, and peers how your internship search is going.

It's not just us

Here's what the people are saying

“ saved me hours by cutting out the tedious process of re-entering my basic information.”

Owen Mariani
Intern @ AtScale

“Sunlight Autofill made it easy to apply to hundreds of companies faster than I could've imagined.”

Hannah Peters
Intern @ Volvo Cars USA

“ helped me complete more applications in one day than I have in months.”

Kevin Murphy
Intern @

Get started today

It’s time to take control of your application process. Sign up now and download Sunlight Autofiller to secure your next internship today!